H2020 ETHNA System
December 2019-November 2022
The project “Ethics Governance System for RRI in Higher Education, Funding and Research Centres”, ETHNA System in short, will develop and apply an ethics governance system for the use of RRI (research ethics, gender quality, open science and commitment to citizenship) in higher education, funding and research centres (HEFRCs).
The system is composed of an ETHNA office and four tools and work methodologies for RRI: ethical code, ethics committee, ethical hotline and process indicators to report.
The ETHNA System will implement and validate an ethics governance system by integrating an ETHNA office into the management of six organisations from the consortium from Spain, Norway,Estonia, Bulgaria, Austria and Portugal. The purpose is to develop a governance structure that is sustainable over time and can be transferred to other centres, favouring a more responsible research and innovation based on engagement with citizens and society.
More information: https://ethnasystem.eu/
„DIMITRIE CANTEMIR” UNIVERSITY OF TG.MUREȘ, is an associated partner in the ETHNA system, within the H2020 project
The @EU_H2020 project ?? @ethnasystem aims to bring #governance to #ethics in #research! #ETHNASystem #H2020 #rri
Learn more about its work through the website-ul ethnasystem.eu?
Aiming to bring #ethics into #research, the @EU_H2020 project ?? @ethnasystem consortium is now working on the state of art of the project by conducting interviews with the project’s stakeholders
The @EU_H2020 project ?? @ethnasystem has developed a 5 years ETHNA System
Sustainability Plan to ensure the dissemination and usage of the project work
? Check it on their website ethnasystem.eu?
● Manual of trainers on the ETHNA System: The Manual of trainers on the ETHNA System for ethic governance in research is already available on the project’s website ethnasystem.eu?
The @EU_H2020 project ?? @ethnasystem keeps contributing to a better research structure with their partners work
● Project Newsletter: In order to disseminate the project results and its work, the newsletter is the perfect tool to communicate this information. Therefore, you will receive an email with every newsletter published, which you can share on social media and website.
Help us moving ETHNA System all around Europe!
General Information about the Project
• Nº Project: 872360
• Coordinator: Universitat Jaume I de Castelló (UJI)
• Start date: December 2019
• End date: November 2022
• Website: https://ethnasystem.eu/
• CORDIS: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/872360
• TWITHER https://twitter.com/ethnasystem
• FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ethnasystem/
WE are happy to report that the newest newsletter is out.
Please feel free to read!*