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Announcements 09-07-2024
Ordinea intrării la examenele de licență și disertație

Sesiunea iulie 2024

Announcements 09-07-2024
Facultatea de DREPT

Rezultatele la susținerea examenului de LICENȚĂ și DISERTAȚIE– IULIE 2024

Events 05-06-2024
Finala Cupei Dimitrie Cantemir

Ediția a III-a
07 iunie începând cu ora 9.00

The story of a student

“I like the way I am treated and approached here, with a lot of respect.
For me as a future lawyer, it is very important to have information and to be respected and all this I found in this faculty.”

— Deak Andrea, 1st year student —



 Admission  2024 »


“Dimitrie Cantemir” University of Târgu-Mureș is institutionally accredited by the Romanian Parliament and periodically evaluated by AHPGS, a German evaluator of the quality of higher education.

If you want to have a degree in medicine, law, economics, psychology or tourism geography  we are waiting for you to join us!