Faculties and Programs

Law Faculty

Contemporary  world we live in, law vibrates in all aspects of life.

The Dean’s message:

”If you understand the logic of law, you can understand the whole structure of society.

And if you can understand society, the world, you can change it. And if you can change it, you can master it.”




Judicial proceedings and liberal professions



The Faculty of Law, within the “Dimitrie Cantemir” University of Târgu Mureș, was established in 1991, being the first foundational Faculty of Law in Transylvania and the second in the country. The Faculty of Law was accredited by Law no. 136/2005 and has the mission to train professionals in the field of legal sciences, at international standards.  Read more...

In the 30 years since its founding, the Faculty of Law has built a strong team of teachers, who are not only excellent theorists and researchers of the legal phenomenon, but – for the most part – are also legal professionals with extensive experience and recognized prestige in their fields of activity.

The students of the Faculty of Law are treated as members of the “Dimitrie Cantemir” academic family, and the educational process is based on the balance between theory and practice. Both law students and master’s students in the field of “judicial procedures and the liberal professions” are encouraged and motivated to learn to apply the knowledge acquired in professional life and, at the same time, to explore in depth the subtleties of law, by engaging in the scientific research.

The courses and seminars have a pronounced applicative character, stimulate the critical and independent thinking of the students and involve them in their own process of intellectual and human formation. We encourage confrontations of ideas and open discussions and our students are actively engaged in case debates, process simulations, arbitration procedures and mediation sessions, role-plays and other modern learning methods.

In the contemporary world, interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary studies are considered the key to reviving all areas of human knowledge and culture. The Faculty of Law within the “Dimitrie Cantemir” University of Târgu Mureș offers its students numerous areas of contact with other scientific fields, such as: sociology, psychology, philosophy, ethics, administration science, computer science, economics, political science, international relations and others.


Semestrul 1

  • Teoria generală a dreptului
  • Drept civil. Partea generală
  • Drept constituţional şi instituţii publice I
  • Engleză juridică I. Introducere.
  • Logică juridică
  • Istoria statului și dreptului românesc

Semestrul 2

  • Drept civil (Persoanele)
  • Drept constituţional şi instituţii publice II
  • Protecţia internaţională a drepturilor omului
  • Deontologie juridică
  • Drept roman
  • Engleză juridică II. Sistemul juridic britanic.
  • Sociologie juridică

Semestrul 3

  • Drept civil. Drepturile reale
  • Drept penal general I
  • Drept administrativ  I
  • Dreptul Uniunii Europene
  • Drept internaţional public
  • Engleză juridică III. Limbaj juridic pentru profesioniştii dreptului.
  • Bazele informaticii

Semestrul 4

  • Drept civil.Teoria generală a obligaţiilor
  • Drept penal general II
  • Drept administrativ II
  • Dreptul mediului
  • Engleză juridică IV. Sistemul juridic american
  • Drept financiar
  • Ştiinţa administraţiei

Semestrul 5

  • Drept civil (Contracte speciale)
  • Drept penal special I
  • Drept procesual penal I
  • Drept procesual civil I
  • Justiție restaurativă și medierea conflictelor
  • Criminologie
  • Dreptul familiei. Căsătoria

Semestrul 6

  • Drept civil. Succesiuni
  • Drept penal special II
  • Drept procesual penal II
  • Drept procesual civil II
  • Dreptul asigurărilor
  • Dreptul familiei.  Rudenia
  • Drept execuţional civil

Semestrul 7

  • Drept comercial I
  • Dreptul proprietăţii intelectuale
  • Dreptul muncii şi securităţii sociale I
  • Drept internaţional privat
  • Criminalistică
  • Drept funciar şi cadastru român
  • Proceduri civile speciale

Semestrul 8

  • Drept comercial II
  • Dreptul comerţului internaţional
  • Dreptul muncii şi securităţii sociale II
  • Dreptul european al concurenţei
  • Politologie
  • Practică de specialitate

Semestrul 1

  • Organizarea profesiilor juridice liberale şi procedurile acestora I
  • Jurisdicţii pentru minori şi familie
  • Adevăr şi valoare în teoria şi practica dreptului
  • Proceduri civile şi comerciale speciale aprofundate
  • Practică de specialitate

Semestrul 2

  • Proceduri judiciare în sistemul instituţional al Uniunii Europene
  • Jurisdicţii speciale în sistemul de drept românesc
  • Organizarea profesiilor juridice liberale şi procedurile acestora II
  • Proceduri alternative de soluţionare a litigiilor
  • Cercetare în vederea elaborării lucrării de disertaţie

✪ A law degree provides you with the widest career opportunities.

✪ Legal studies develop your critical and independent thinking.

✪ Law studies also train you as a person, not just as a professional.

Step into your life LAWFULLY! 

·         Possibility to become a magistrate (judge or prosecutor), lawyer, notary public, mediator, legal adviser, intellectual property adviser, bailiff, civil servant, European civil servant, etc.

· Friendly atmosphere and flexibility.

· Young and competent teachers, who are also law practitioners, specialists in their fields of activity.

· The possibility to complete two years of studies in one.

· Scholarships for deserving students.

· Applied courses, adapted to the needs of the 21st century.

· Specialized practice at the courts, law firms, notary, bailiff, etc.

· Opportunities to study and practice abroad.

Bachelor studies

We offer full-time undergraduate studies in the “Law” specialization, with a period of 4 years.

The period of undergraduate studies at the Faculties of Law in Europe is 4 years, because a quality legal education, even in general, cannot be obtained in a shorter period of time. It is one of the exceptions to the rule that undergraduate studies (Bologna I cycle) last 3 years, along with medical or architectural studies. Instead, legal studies at master level (Bologna II cycle) last only 1 year, because the foundations for this specialization are already laid.

You can enroll for admission to the Faculty of Law (4 years, full-time studies) if you are (at least) a high school graduate and have a baccalaureate degree.

You can also study Law at undergraduate level if you are already licensed in another field, to complete your education and to open new professional and intellectual horizons.

You also have the opportunity to complete two years of study in one, if in the first year you have particularly good school results and you want to obtain a law degree after only three years of college.

Masters’ studies

If you want to deepen your legal knowledge and obtain a higher specialization, you can enroll in the 1-year master program “Judicial Procedures and Liberal Professions”, which involves full-time courses, but with a schedule adapted to students who already practice (teaching activities take place in the afternoon).

To enroll in this program of study, you need to be already a college graduate with a bachelor’s degree.

International relations

Erasmus Mobilities

Students, masters, and teachers of the Faculty of Law have the opportunity to broaden their professional and cultural horizons through the Erasmus + program. Find the details here  >>>

International collaborations

Over the years, the Faculty of Law has organized numerous events with international participation, in which we have been honored with the presence of prominent personalities of public life in the country and abroad, of which we mention only:

His Excellency, Mr. François Farah, the representative of the UN Population Fund in Romania and responsible for UN security issues in Romania.
Professor Dr. David Silvera, President of the Israeli Mediators Association.
Lajos Aary-Tamas, Hungarian Ombudsman for Educational Rights.
Anca Elisabeta Ciucă, President of the Romanian Mediation Council.

The infrastructure of the “Dimitrie Cantemir” University of Târgu-Mureş and, within it, the Faculty of Law, is represented by the forensic laboratory, computer laboratory, Internet, Intranet and virtual library, modern lecture and seminar rooms, equipped with video projectors and computerized educational network.

The “Serafim Duicu” library has a rich collection of legal books and specialized magazines.

On the University Campus, wireless internet access is free.

The campus has its own guarded parking, sports field with artificial turf and nocturne, gyms and physiotherapy, relaxation areas, medical office, vocational counseling office, on-site buffet, etc.

Students who are not from Târgu-Mureș can stay, during their studies, in the “Dimitrie Cantemir” Student Hostel, where they have – in addition to furniture and specific new and modern equipment, cable television and permanent internet connection.

All these and many other facilities and endowments offer optimal conditions for the organization of education. The entire infrastructure facilitates students’ access to course and seminar materials in electronic and printed format, course notes, summaries, self-assessment tests, exam preparation through the eLearning-Teams platform.

The teachers of the Faculty of Law within the “Dimitrie Cantemir” University of Tîrgu Mureș are actively and permanently involved in the research activity. Our scientific results and achievements are visible and recognized nationally and internationally. In short, our teachers have developed and published:

About 200 books (treatises, university courses, monographs, etc.) and book chapters published in Romanian publishing houses (Romanian Academy Publishing House, Universul Juridic, CH Beck, University Press, Risoprint, Zethus, “Dimitrie Cantemir” University Publishing House in Târgu Mureș, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași Publishing House, etc.);

Chapters in books published abroad by prestigious publishers, such as Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Società Editrice il Mulino di Bologna or Éditions Universitaires Européennes (Saarbrucken, Germany);

Approximately 450 articles and studies published in specialized journals of international or national circulation, which make a selection process of journals based on performance criteria;

Over 250 scientific papers presented at conferences, symposia, round tables and other scientific events in the country and abroad.

Also, the faculty of the Faculty of Law have been involved, over time, in numerous international research, development and innovation projects, obtained through competition, on a contract or grant basis – as project directors, experts or members of the research team.

The annual Scientific Symposium of the University – Law section

The organization of a Scientific Symposium of the University has become a tradition, shortly after the establishment of our higher education institution. Every year, professors and researchers meet at this major event to communicate the results of their latest research, exchange views and discuss current issues in their field of scientific interest.

During the Symposium, the Faculty of Law hosts a section dedicated to legal and interdisciplinary research. Some of the scientific papers presented in the “Law” section are published in the Academica Science Journal – Juridica Series (link to the dedicated page).

Scientific communication session for students and master students – Law section

The scientific communication session of students and master students is organized under the auspices of our University since the academic year 2008-2009.

For law students and masters, this is an opportunity to get involved in scientific research from the faculty benches, to work with their professors on joint projects and to grow intellectually and professionally. The most valuable research papers by students and master students are awarded and published in the Academica Science Journal – Studia Series

The importance of practical training in learning law is beyond any discussion: to be a lawyer means to be a practical person, who daily deals with practical social situations – conflicts between real people, agreements and contracts, claims and damages, compensation and so on. Knowing what the law says is not enough for a young lawyer. It is of paramount importance to know what to do and to do it quickly and well.

Consequently, the Faculty of Law pays special attention to the practical component of learning, by studying court decisions, by examples from the professional activity of teachers, by debating cases, by various practical exercises, role-plays and process or session simulations arbitration, mediation, etc.

Students in the final year carry out a compulsory internship of 240 hours, but also students in 1, 2 or 3 years can choose to do specialized practice, based on a practice agreement, which you can download here.

Judges, prosecutors, lawyers, public administration specialists or mediators are often invited to the courses of the Faculty of Law, to share their experience with students and to help them discover their vocation for a legal profession.

We periodically organize workshops, seminars and workshops, where we invite to work, together with students, professionals in the field of law. On such occasions, students had the opportunity to meet and talk with personalities such as: the UN High Representative for Population and Security, the President of the Israeli Mediators, the Hungarian man-budsman of educational rights, the President of the Romanian Mediation Council, the Dean of the Mureș Bar, the president of the Târgu Mureș Court, the representative of the Directorate for the Mureș Investigation and Fighting of Organized Crime, etc.

Events celebrated internationally or in Europe, such as Civil Justice Day, Anti-Corruption Day or Anti-Drug Day, are, for us, opportunities for other meetings with legal professionals and for application activities, to which are added events created especially in support of students, such as: Legal career day – an opportunity for young people to receive practical information and useful advice on entrance exams and study strategy and to openly discuss with their colleagues who have already taken the first steps in their career about the difficulties inherent in accessing the legal professions, but also about the satisfactions they offer to the persevering and determined to succeed.

We also believe that it is useful for our students to know the courts and prosecutor’s offices based in Târgu Mureș, for which purpose we have concluded institutional partnerships and collaboration agreements with these institutions and organize study visits, where future lawyers can get in direct contact with the judicial activity and with the professionals who work within them.

✪   German quality educational services at Romanian prices!

“Dimitrie Cantemir” University of Târgu Mureş, institutionally evaluated on the quality of education by a foreign agency, (AHPGS – Accreditation Agency in Health and Social Science / Akkreditierungsagentur im Bereich Gesundheit und Soziales din Germania). ↵






University Secretary’s Office:
Phone:  +40365401127
E-mail:   universitate@cantemir.ro  

Law Faculty Secretary’s Office:
Phone: +40365801822
E-mail:   drept@cantemir.ro


 Admission  2024 »


“Dimitrie Cantemir” University of Târgu-Mureș is institutionally accredited by the Romanian Parliament and periodically evaluated by AHPGS, a German evaluator of the quality of higher education.

If you want to have a degree in medicine, law, economics, psychology or tourism geography  we are waiting for you to join us!