Facultăți și Programe

Faculty of Economics


“Training of specialists in the field of economics
is a mandatory task for a prosperous society. “



The specializations of the faculty are addressed to those who want to become specialists in the financial field, banking and stock exchange operations, capital markets, in the field of business management, tourism and services, or who want a profession in the applied field of economics, accounting, control and financial-accounting audit, specialized IT applications, valuation of fixed assets and enterprises.

The faculty has a valuable faculty, consisting of: teachers with long experience in the department and in economic and financial practice, young prospective staff, among whom are graduates of their own faculty, as well as scientists working in the field research.  Read more...

The scientific activity of teachers is doubled by the elaboration of textbooks, books, treatises and specialized works for all the disciplines provided in the curriculum.

With the increase of the volume and complexity of economic activities, of the importance of the decision-making act of the management, the need to substantiate on a scientific basis, of measures to improve the economic-financial situation at all levels of economic operation, became more and more acute.

The training of specialists in the field of economic sciences is a mandatory task for a society eager for prosperity. In this context, starting with the academic year 1992-1993, within the “Dimitrie Cantemir” University, the Faculty of Economic Sciences operates.

Programs of the Faculty of Economics:
  • Bachelor’s program (period of studies: 3 years, full-time)


– Finance and Banks

– Service and tourism commerce economy


  • Master’s program (Period of studies: 2 years, full-time course)


– Business financial management

Profession: Economist

Investment opportunities: economist in enterprises, banks, financial, insurance and tourism institutions, economic director, chief accountant, head of financial service, accounting expert, independent external auditor, financial-accounting evaluator and auditor, stockbroker, teacher.

The structure of the academic year

– Integrated system for tracking material consumption, SDV consumption, within S.C. Sumel Electromures S.A .;

– Calculation of unique production costs, at the SDV workshop within S.C. Sumel Electromures S.A .;

– Determining the costs of non-quality in the production of dies, within S.C. Sumel Electromures S.A .;

– Study on the impact of lohn in the textile industry on the consolidated state budget;

– Study on the real rate of profit tax, differentiated on micro and small and medium enterprises and the impact on the state budget;

– Study on the contributory capacity to GDP of the economic agents from Mureş county, with the possibility of detailing by branches of activity;

– Study on tax evasion in Mureş County – parameterization and reference systems;

– Study on the improvement of the Public Finance information system and the reduction of parallelism, information ballast, and bureaucracy.

✪  Do you have a business sense? Do you have a penchant for entrepreneurship?

✪  Do you want to know how to coordinate and manage the funds of an economic entity?

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✪  Do you want financial independence and a dynamic career?

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“Dimitrie Cantemir” University of Târgu Mureş, institutionally evaluated on the quality of education by a foreign agency, (AHPGS – Accreditation Agency in Health and Social Science / Akkreditierungsagentur im Bereich Gesundheit und Soziales din Germania). ↵





 Admission  2024 »


“Dimitrie Cantemir” University of Târgu-Mureș is institutionally accredited by the Romanian Parliament and periodically evaluated by AHPGS, a German evaluator of the quality of higher education.

If you want to have a degree in medicine, law, economics, psychology or tourism geography  we are waiting for you to join us!